Peptides > Prostamax (Bioregulator)

Prostamax (Bioregulator)

Prostamax is a synthetic peptide belonging to the Khavinson bioregulator family, known for its ability to significantly impact DNA condensation in various cells. Its primary focus lies in its potential to combat aging and reduce inflammation in the prostate. Additionally, Prostamax has demonstrated the ability to enhance the function of different cell types within the body, such as lymphocytes, by modifying epigenetic controls on DNA.

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1. What is Prostamax?


2. Prostamax Structure


3. Prostamax and the Prostate

What is Prostamax?

Prostamax is a synthetic peptide from the Khavinson family, primarily designed to repair and benefit the prostate[1]. This peptide has also demonstrated the capacity to enhance lymphocyte function and influence DNA expression patterns in various tissues. Prostamax stands out as one of the broader-spectrum anti-aging Khavinson peptides due to its ability to promote the decondensation of heterochromatin in a wide range of cells. Research conducted on rats suggests that Prostamax might have potential applications in treating chronic prostatitis. Although there is speculation that long-term usage could have cancer-preventive effects, studies of sufficient duration to establish this have yet to be conducted.

Prostamax Structure

Amino Acid Sequence: Lys-Glu-Asp-Pro (KEDP)
Molecular Formula: C20H33N5O9
Molecular Weight:
 487.5 g/mol
PubChem CID: 9848296
Synonyms: SCHEMBL6660498

Prostamax and the Prostate

Chronic Prostate Inflammation (Chronic Prostatitis) and Prostamax

Chronic prostate inflammation, known as chronic prostatitis, is a prevalent condition affecting as many as 16% of men at some point in their lives. It is characterized by symptoms such as burning during urination, urgency, difficulties with voiding, and even painful ejaculation, often accompanied by lower back pain. The treatment of chronic prostatitis can be challenging, often requiring long-term antibiotic therapy spanning several months. Moreover, there is substantial evidence linking chronic prostatitis to cardiovascular disease and even cancer, underscoring the importance of effective treatment for long-term health[^2^].

Research conducted on rat models has shown that Prostamax can effectively treat chronic prostatitis, reducing its signs and symptoms. Rats treated with Prostamax for just 15 days exhibited reduced prostate gland swelling, decreased vascular congestion (hyperemia), and fewer immune cell infiltrations in the prostate. Remarkably, the rats also showed decreased levels of scarring in the prostate, suggesting that the reduction in inflammation might impede pathological remodeling. While the study did not extend long enough or involve a sufficient number of rats to assess Prostamax’s impact on cancer risk, the results imply that it could reduce the risk by mitigating chronic inflammation, which is known to contribute to pathological hypertrophy and hyperplasia[^3^].

What makes this study particularly promising is that Prostamax was effective in treating chronic abacterial prostatitis (CAP). CAP is the most common form of prostatitis, but it is challenging to treat because it is not caused by a bacterial infection. Bacterial infections typically respond well to antibiotics, but CAP does not respond as effectively and may not respond at all. Additionally, CAP is more prone to recurrence, posing significant challenges to those affected. Having an alternative treatment that proves effective for CAP could significantly enhance the quality of life for many men and reduce the risk of future diseases. This is especially critical as the prevalence of CAP has nearly tripled since the end of the 20th century[^2^].

Prostamax and the Immune System

While Prostamax is primarily considered tissue-specific for the prostate, there is ample evidence that it exerts its effects on cells outside of the prostate, including the immune system. Notably, it impacts ribosomes and densely packed chromatin in lymphocytes. Prostamax, similar to Epithalon and Vilon, increases ribosome expression, responsible for translating mRNA into proteins. It also opens up densely packed chromatin, making genes more accessible for transcription into mRNA. Consequently, Prostamax enhances gene expression at multiple levels, promoting functional improvements in lymphocyte health[^4^][^5^].

These immune-boosting effects of Prostamax have practical implications, as research has demonstrated that the peptide can reduce the signs of chronic prostate inflammation, including swelling, hyperemia, and lymphocyte infiltration[^3^]. These results are attributed to Prostamax’s influence on lymphocytes and their regulatory role in the immune response, as well as its contribution to normalizing the growth and differentiation of prostate cells.

Prostamax and Aging

Prostamax’s effects on various cell types, including lymphocytes, are part of a broader impact it has on different cell types. Research conducted on cell cultures from older individuals has shown that Prostamax alters DNA structure by decondensing heterochromatin. This decondensation allows for greater gene expression, as densely packed DNA is inaccessible for transcription[^6^].

What makes this particularly noteworthy in the context of aging is that DNA condensation is a normal consequence of aging, contributing to senescence and apoptosis, two key mechanisms of aging. By unpacking DNA, Prostamax essentially gives cells a more youthful genetic profile. The outcomes include increased cell proliferation, reduced programmed cell death (apoptosis), and enhanced protein expression and cell function.

Interestingly, peptides like Prostamax with similar epigenetic properties are naturally found in long-lived rodent species like the African mole rat. These peptides are not present in shorter-lived species, suggesting a direct connection between the observed epigenetic effects of Prostamax and aging and longevity[^7^].

Prostamax Summary

In summary, Prostamax is a synthetic Khavinson peptide with significant effects on DNA condensation in various cell types. While it is primarily known for its anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects on the prostate, Prostamax has also been shown to optimize the function of various cells in the body, such as lymphocytes, by modifying epigenetic controls on DNA. It holds potential as a promising avenue for research in addressing chronic prostatitis and age-related cellular changes. Please note that Prostamax is intended for educational and scientific research purposes and is not meant for human consumption. It is exclusively available for sale to licensed researchers

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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