Peptides > N-Acetyl Selank Amidate

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate can be viewed as an improved version of Selank, exhibiting enhancements across various aspects. Research indicates that it elevates Selank’s effectiveness by increasing its potency, extending its half-life, improving absorbability, and enhancing its ability to traverse the blood-brain barrier. These attributes contribute to the augmentation of Selank’s effects. In animal studies, Selank has demonstrated potential in safeguarding the central nervous system from disease and trauma, reducing anxiety levels, enhancing learning abilities, improving memory retention, and influencing blood clotting processes. While further research is required, the exploration of Selank and similar glyprolines sheds light on how a single peptide can potentially alter DNA expression patterns, yielding significant outcomes.

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1. What is N-Acetyl Selank Amidate?


2. Structure of N-Acetyl Selank Amidate


3. N-Acetyl Selank Amidate Mechanism

What is N-Acetyl Selank Amidate?

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate: This peptide is a modified version of Selank, a short nootropic and anxiolytic peptide originally developed in Russia. Selank, an analogue of the naturally occurring tuftsin, exhibits immunomodulatory effects and alters gene expression in the brain. It reduces the impact of the neurotransmitter GABA, changes cell membrane permeability, and enhances the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

Enhanced Properties: N-Acetyl Selank Amidate boasts an extended half-life and improved ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier compared to its parent compound, Selank. This is attributed to the amidation process, which results in tighter receptor binding. Researchers are currently investigating Selank, particularly in animal models, for its potential in treating conditions like stroke and other ischemic brain diseases. It is also being explored as a prospective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder and for safeguarding memory in cases of neurodegenerative diseases.

Structure of N-Acetyl Selank Amidate

Amino Acid Sequence:Ac-TPRKEPV-NH2
Molecular Formula: C33H57N11O9
Molecular Weight:
 751.9 g/mol
PubChem CID: 11765600
CAS Number: 129954-34-3
Synonyms: Selanc, TP-7, UNII – TS9JR8EP1G

Here in the sequence, “Ac-” represents the Acetyl group attached to the N-terminus of the peptide, and “-NH2” represents the Amidated group at the C-terminus. The amino acid sequence “TPRKEPV” corresponds to the core Selank peptide. Acetyl-Selank-Amidate is a modified version of Selank, a synthetic peptide with anxiolytic and immunomodulatory properties. The addition of the Acetyl and Amidated groups may enhance its stability, bioavailability, and efficacy.

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate Mechanism & DNA

Selank’s Impact on Gene Expression

Selank exhibits intriguing effects within the central nervous system, making it a subject of significant interest among scientists. Research indicates that Selank operates by modulating gene expression. In simpler terms, Selank has the capability to activate or deactivate specific DNA segments, thereby influencing our body’s functions.

Selank’s Role in Alleviating Anxiety

One of the most extensively researched properties of Selank is its remarkable ability to modulate anxiety. Scientific investigations demonstrate that Selank produces clinical effects akin to those seen with drugs like benzodiazepines, commonly used in treating severe anxiety disorders. Selank has proven effective in reducing anxiety levels, mitigating stress, and enhancing overall mood. It achieves these effects through interactions, most likely indirect, with the GABAA receptor, much like benzodiazepines. Additionally, Selank exhibits sedative effects similar to those of benzodiazepines.

What sets Selank apart from drugs like Ativan and Valium is its apparent lack of habit-forming tendencies. Benzodiazepines are notorious for their potential for abuse, physical dependence, and addiction. In contrast, Selank does not appear to pose such risks and may even serve as a valuable aid for individuals seeking to safely and effectively taper off benzodiazepine dependence.

Research indicates that Selank influences numerous genes associated with GABA. As mentioned earlier, Selank’s impact on the GABAA receptor is likely to be indirect. It is believed that Selank, instead of binding to the GABA receptor directly, modulates the receptor’s affinity for its natural ligand. This action helps alleviate anxiety by reducing the receptor’s effect while maintaining the concentration of natural GABA.

Interestingly, Selank has been studied in conjunction with traditional benzodiazepines. Combining the two appears to yield more favorable results in treating specific forms of anxiety compared to using either alone. Notably, this combination proves highly effective in addressing the often resistant type of anxiety known as unpredictable chronic mild stress.

Selank’s Interaction with the Blood-Brain Barrier

Selank belongs to the glyproline peptide family, known for its regulatory functions within biological systems. Glyprolines are recognized for their protective and repair-promoting effects throughout the body. The specific effects depend on the amino acid sequence of the glyprotein in question. Some glyprolines act in the gastrointestinal tract or pancreas, while others, like Selank, exert their influence within the central nervous system.

Generally, the glyproline family has been underexplored in research settings. However, a few common traits of these highly stable oligopeptides have been elucidated. Notably, glyprolines possess the remarkable ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) more readily than most other oligopeptides. The BBB is a formidable barrier composed of cellular and extracellular components, limiting the passage of substances from the bloodstream into the central nervous system. Selank’s ability to breach this barrier is a noteworthy attribute.

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate and Its Impact on the Immune System

Research by Dr. Olga Uchakina highlights the potential of Selank in modulating the immune system. Animal studies reveal that Selank can suppress the production of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6, a significant marker associated with severe COVID-19 infection. IL-6 plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including fever regulation, neutrophil production, and B cell growth. Moreover, it is implicated in sleep-associated emotional memory consolidation and pain perception within the central nervous system.

One noteworthy aspect of Selank’s impact is its ability to influence pain perception, particularly in cases of asthenic symptoms. This suggests a potential link between psychiatric conditions and physical pain, shedding light on Selank’s role as a pain mitigator. Future research may uncover how glyprolines like Selank regulate neurogenic pain, providing insights into neuropathic pain treatment and control.

Selank as an Anticoagulant

Extensive research has explored Selank’s role in addressing ischemic brain disease. Beyond its gene-regulating properties and enhancement of neurogenesis, Selank exhibits promise as an anticoagulant. Animal studies indicate that Selank and Semax can regulate the coagulation process, helping to maintain coagulation balance and mitigate hypercoagulation and bleeding tendencies. This characteristic makes Selank a potential dual therapeutic agent in stroke management, safeguarding neurons from both excitotoxic damage and coagulation disorders.

Additionally, research on rat mesenteric vessels underscores Selank’s ability to prevent microcirculation hypercoagulation, often seen in immobilization scenarios following surgery or hospitalization. Unlike heparin injections, which can lead to overcompensation and bleeding, Selank’s gentle coagulation regulation presents an attractive option for developing blood clot prophylactics.

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate as a Nootropic

Selank holds significant potential in enhancing cognitive function. Research reveals that Selank administration in rats triggers changes in mRNA levels for genes associated with plasma membrane function and ion-dependent learning and memory functions. Rats treated with Selank exhibit increased memory trace stability, resulting in improved long-term retention of learning. Selank also demonstrates the ability to rescue memory and learning following brain damage, making it relevant in conditions such as head injuries, drug overdoses, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Furthermore, Selank administration leads to increased levels of BDNF, a central nervous system messenger that promotes neuron growth and differentiation. Elevated BDNF levels are associated with enhanced learning, improved memory, and reduced neurological injury effects. The ability of N-Acetyl Selank Amidate to penetrate the blood-brain barrier enhances its potency as a nootropic compared to standard Selank.

The Significance of N-Acetylation

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate, while similar in effects to Selank, undergoes modification for specific reasons. N-acetylation is a common natural peptide modification found in eukaryotes, including humans. This modification alters the charge, hydrophobicity, and size of proteins, prolonging their half-life without altering their overall function. This cost-effective process enhances a peptide’s potency.

The Role of Amidation

Amidation, another minor peptide modification, is essential in improving a peptide’s resistance to proteolytic degradation and extending its half-life in the bloodstream. Amidated peptides are less sensitive to pH changes and bind more tightly to their target receptors, resulting in enhanced biological activity. In synthetic biology, amidation serves three major functions: protecting orally administered peptides in the stomach and GI tract, improving potency after absorption, and increasing lipid solubility, thereby promoting BBB penetration.

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate: A Summarized Enhancement

N-Acetyl Selank Amidate represents an enhanced version of Selank, offering improved potency, longer half-life, better absorbability, and enhanced blood-brain barrier penetration. These attributes amplify Selank’s effects, including central nervous system protection, anxiety reduction, cognitive enhancement, memory improvement, and regulation of blood clotting. While ongoing research is essential, glyprolines like Selank provide valuable insights into how a single peptide can alter DNA expression patterns to produce significant effects.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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