Peptides > GHRP-6


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1. What Is GHRP-6?


2. GHRP-6 Structure


3. GHRP-6 Effects

What Is GHRP-6?

GHRP-6 is a potent stimulator of natural Growth Hormone Release from the anterior pituitary. It acts as an agonist of the ghrelin/growth hormone receptor, belonging to a group of ghrelin analogues developed over the past few decades. Research has shown that GHRP-6 has beneficial effects on various aspects, including heart muscle cells, memory formation, scar tissue formation, sex drive, and neurons associated with Parkinson’s disease. Importantly, GHRP-6 can be administered orally and sublingually, and it exhibits a moderate to high level of selectivity in its actions.

GHRP-6 Structure

Sequence: His-D-Trp-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys
Molecular Formula: C46H56N12O6
Molecular Weight: 873.032 g/mol
PubChem CID: 9919153
CAS Number: 87616-84-0

GHRP-6 Effects

1. Cognitive Enhancement: Physical activity’s role in learning and memory improvement has long been a subject of study. While the precise mechanisms remain somewhat elusive, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that exercise can enhance cognition and learning, especially when performed immediately after a learning task.

Initially, the cognitive benefits of exercise were attributed to improved blood flow and vague references to growth hormone (GH). Research in rodents has shed light on why GH may play a crucial role in memory formation. Studies have shown that GHRP-6 can help consolidate newly formed memories and convert short-term memories into long-term storage. Furthermore, there is strong support for the involvement of ghrelin/GHRP-6 in spatial learning tasks. This implies that exercise-induced cognitive improvements may be mediated through growth hormone secretagogues like ghrelin, with the GH effect potentially being indirect and secondary to these peptides.

2. Neuroprotective Effects: Animal models of stroke are employed to explore GHRP-6’s ability to safeguard neurons and other central nervous system cells from the consequences of inadequate blood supply. GHRP-6 not only shields brain tissue during acute strokes but can also restore memory deficits following a stroke if administered promptly. It appears that ghrelin and its analogues inhibit apoptosis (programmed cell death) and reduce inflammation in the brain, safeguarding neurons from both genetic programming and the adverse post-stroke environment.

GHRP-6’s side effects are generally minimal to moderate, with low oral bioavailability but excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. It’s important to note that the dosage per kilogram used in mice does not directly translate to humans. GHRP-6 available at Peptide Sciences is intended exclusively for educational and scientific research purposes and is not meant for human consumption. It should only be acquired by licensed researchers.

3. Protection Against Parkinson’s Disease: GHRP-6’s potential to safeguard brain tissue gained significant attention with a 2018 study revealing the presence of ghrelin receptors in the substantia nigra, a brain region affected by Parkinson’s disease. Patients with known genetic links to Parkinson’s exhibit reduced expression of ghrelin receptors on substantia nigra neurons. Moreover, rats with a similar defect develop Parkinson’s symptoms when exposed to an antagonist. Therefore, it’s plausible that agonists like GHRP-6 may prove useful in Parkinson’s disease. Researchers speculate that the peptide, by binding to the diminished receptors, might reduce neuron apoptosis in the substantia nigra, potentially slowing or preventing the onset of Parkinson’s disease.

4. Skin Improvement and Scar Reduction: GHRP-6 enhances the survival of various cell types by inhibiting programmed cell death. It also interacts with the CD36 receptor, which is known to promote blood vessel growth, particularly in wounds. Studies in rats have demonstrated that these properties make GHRP-6 highly valuable in wound healing. It accelerates wound closure, enhances the production of extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen, and interferes with the normal scar formation process. Consequently, it aids in organizing the overall structure at the wound site and reducing the appearance of scar tissue. GHRP-6 has also been found effective in preventing hypertrophic scars, offering relief to those who tend to develop such scars following injuries or surgeries.

5. Cardiovascular Protection: Research in porcine models of heart attack has shown that GHRP-6 can mitigate oxidant cytotoxicity, effectively shielding heart cells from damage caused by free radicals. This finding raises hope that future drugs developed from these insights could be administered after a heart attack to safeguard vulnerable but still viable cells. Such treatment has the potential to reduce mortality and enhance long-term outcomes following a heart attack.

6. Influence on Sexual Motivation and Mood: Studies in male rats have suggested that ghrelin receptors in the central nervous system play a role in sexual behavior and motivation. Elevated ghrelin levels can boost sexual motivation. Research involving GHRP-6 and a modified version designed to antagonize ghrelin receptors has indicated that these receptors in specific brain regions help modulate sexual behavior and reward-seeking behavior. These findings have implications not only for sexual health but also for conditions like hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Moreover, ghrelin may have an impact on mood as part of its influence on motivation. Mouse studies have shown that GHRP-6 and other ghrelin receptor agonists can reduce depression and enhance the function of mood-associated brain regions, particularly under stress. This suggests that GHRP-6 could be a foundation for research into potential novel treatments for stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.

GHRP-6 is associated with minimal to moderate side effects, with low oral but excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. It’s essential to note that the dosage per kilogram used in mice doesn’t directly translate to humans. GHRP-6 available at Peptide Sciences is intended exclusively for educational and scientific research purposes and should not be consumed by humans. It should only be acquired by licensed researchers.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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