Peptides > Cortagen


Cortagen, a bioregulatory peptide, primarily targets the brain and central nervous system while also providing secondary benefits for the immune system and cardiac tissue. Extensive research demonstrates its impressive capacity to effectively regulate the inflammatory response, particularly within the nervous system, ultimately restoring equilibrium and optimizing the interaction between pro- and anti-oxidative processes. Furthermore, Cortagen has garnered attention as a promising treatment option for ischemic brain injuries, yielding favorable long-term outcomes when compared to similar compounds. Its mechanism of action includes stimulating interleukin-2 expression, leading to immune function regulation with a primary focus on diminishing autoimmune reactions. Explore Cortagen for enhanced brain function and comprehensive immune support.

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1. Introduction to Cortagen


2. Molecular Structure of Cortagen


3. Cortagen's Mechanism​

Introduction to Cortagen

Cortagen, also known as Ala-Glu-Asp-Pro, belongs to the group of ‘Khavinson peptides.’ These concise peptides, typically comprising just 2-4 amino acids, possess powerful bioregulatory properties and frequently exhibit the ability to modify gene expression patterns in specific tissues. Originating from the research of Vladimir Khavinson, Cortagen primarily functions within the central nervous system while also affecting the heart and immune system to a certain extent.

Studies indicate that Cortagen plays a crucial role in stabilizing the inflammatory response within the central nervous system, contributing to the establishment of a harmonious equilibrium between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory pathways. In animal experiments, it has demonstrated the potential to mitigate the enduring effects of ischemic brain injury and aid in the restoration of nerve function following damage or transection.

Cortagen serves as a geroprotective and anti-aging peptide, working to rejuvenate DNA to a more youthful state, thereby reducing senescence and reactivating specific genes that tend to be suppressed with age.

Molecular Structure of Cortagen

Amino Acid Sequence: Ala-Glu-Asp-Pro (AEDP)
Molecular Formula: C17H27N5O8
Molecular Weight:
 430.17 g/mol
PubChem CID: 18439621
Synonyms: SCHEMBL5491754


Cortagen's Mechanism

As we age, research indicates a shift in gene expression patterns, with a general decrease in gene expression levels. This phenomenon is attributed to the transformation of DNA from the open euchromatin state to the more compacted heterochromatin form. This condensation process hinders the access of DNA transcription factors to specific genes and plays a significant role in cellular aging, known as senescence. Peptide bioregulators have shown promise in reversing this condensation process, rejuvenating cells to a more youthful state.

Cortagen exhibits notable effects on both the structural and functional aspects of peripheral nerves and cardiac tissue, likely due to its ability to de-condense chromatin structures. Scientific investigations, using transcriptome microarray analysis, revealed substantial changes in 110 known genes distributed across more than 234 different DNA regions, supporting this hypothesis.

In another study with similar objectives, Cortagen was found to enhance the activity of ribosome genes and unravel chromatin fibrils, thus releasing genes previously suppressed due to age-related chromatin condensation. Similar decondensation effects on DNA have been observed with other bioregulatory peptides, each with tissue-specific benefits and minimal off-target effects.

In addition to influencing DNA structure and reactivating dormant genes, Cortagen appears to combat aging by boosting the body’s natural antioxidative mechanisms. Research conducted on rats demonstrates that Cortagen reduces levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO) products, limiting the impact of pathological oxidation processes on proteins in both the blood and the brain. LPO is a form of tissue injury caused by free radicals, particularly affecting cell membranes in lipid-rich tissues like the central nervous system, where it can lead to decreased nerve function and may contribute to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Source: PubMed

Cortagen and Nerve Regeneration:

Studies in rats suggest that a 10 microgram/kg intramuscular injection of Cortagen can enhance nerve fiber regeneration by up to 40% following nerve transection. This finding implies that surgical reconnection of damaged nerves followed by Cortagen injection could stimulate nerve repair, potentially improving outcomes in severe spinal cord injuries. This mechanism aligns with Cortagen’s repair-promoting effects in the brain. Establishing a balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory states has historically proven beneficial for healing in various tissues, suggesting similar positive effects within the central nervous system.

Cortagen Summary:

Cortagen is a bioregulatory peptide primarily targeting the brain and central nervous system. It also has secondary effects on the immune system and cardiac tissue. Research demonstrates its potent regulatory influence on the inflammatory response, particularly within the nervous system, where it helps restore balance between pro-inflammatory and antioxidative processes. Investigations have explored its potential as a treatment option for ischemic brain injury, showing promising long-term results. Cortagen stimulates interleukin-2 expression and aids in immune function regulation, primarily by reducing autoimmune reactions.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


The product information featured on this website pertains exclusively to in-vitro studies. In-vitro studies, also known as ‘in glass’ studies, are conducted outside of living organisms. It’s important to emphasize that these products do not constitute medicines or drugs and have not received FDA approval for the prevention, treatment, or cure of any medical conditions, ailments, or diseases. It is crucial to note that the introduction of these products into the bodies of humans or animals is strictly prohibited by law.