Peptides > Cartalax (Bioregulator)


Cartalax, a concise bioregulatory peptide, exerts a systemic influence throughout the body, primarily due to its interactions with fibroblasts. Its diverse effects span various tissues, including the skin, other connective tissues, and the kidneys. Scientific investigations have unveiled Cartalax’s ability to enhance cell proliferation rates while positively modifying the levels of different cytokines and signaling molecules linked to senescence. This comprehensive action results in improved cellular vitality and proliferation while reducing instances of cell death. Cartalax is commonly regarded as an anti-aging peptide, effectively rejuvenating older cells and extending the overall health of tissues.

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1. Introduction to Cartalax


2. Structure


3. Cartalax and Skin


Cartalax, a brief peptide with notable bioregulatory attributes, exerts its primary influence on fibroblasts—versatile cells found throughout various bodily structures such as cartilage, skin, blood vessels, and the kidneys. Scientific findings suggest that Cartalax exerts its impact on cell proliferation and apoptosis via diverse molecular mechanisms. These mechanisms encompass the augmentation of Ki-67 levels, the attenuation of p53 signaling, and the activation of NF-kB signaling. Cartalax falls under the category of anti-aging bioregulators due to its capacity to diminish senescence, rejuvenate aging cells, and potentially decelerate the overall aging process of tissues.



Amino Acid Sequence: Ala-Glu-Asp (AED)
Molecular Formula: C12H19N3O8
Molecular Weight:
 333.29 g/mol
PubChem CID: 87815447
Synonyms: T-31, AED, SCHEMBL5324601, Alanyl-glutamyl-aspartic acid

Cartalax and Skin

Research in Dermatology: Cartalax’s Impact on Skin Health

Studies in dermatology have highlighted the positive effects of Cartalax on skin health, particularly in older individuals. Cartalax has been shown to enhance cell proliferation, tissue regeneration, and extracellular matrix remodeling while reducing apoptosis. This rejuvenating effect is primarily mediated through fibroblasts, which play a key role in extracellular matrix maintenance in tissues such as skin, tendons, and cartilage.

Cartalax and similar peptides have been found to inhibit the synthesis of MMP-9, an enzyme associated with skin aging. Additionally, Cartalax increases the expression of Ki-67 and CD98hc, molecules that tend to decline during cell aging. Furthermore, it suppresses apoptosis by modulating the caspase pathway.

Recent research has revealed that Cartalax, along with other peptides, exhibits polyfunctional properties. These peptides impact a wide range of biological processes throughout the body. Cartalax, in particular, stimulates skin cell proliferation, reduces apoptosis, enhances microcirculation, and boosts the functional activity of skin fibroblasts. These diverse functions position polyfunctional peptides, including Cartalax 20mg, as valuable antioxidants and immunoprotectors.

Cartalax and Cartilage: Potential Benefits

While direct research on Cartalax and cartilage is limited, extensive studies on fibroblasts and Cartalax suggest potential benefits for cartilage health. Fibroblasts are highly versatile cells responsible for extracellular matrix components in various tissues, including cartilage.

Cartalax affects several components within fibroblasts, including AP-1, NF-kB, c-jun, CCN1, TGF-B, TNF-a, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9, and glycation. It acts as a balancing agent, helping to normalize fibroblast function and maintain the delicate equilibrium between tissue breakdown and repair. This effect is particularly pronounced in older cells, which often experience greater dysregulation.

While direct research on Cartalax’s impact on cartilage is needed, its influence on fibroblasts, which are primary regulators of cartilage homeostasis, suggests its potential for improving cartilage function and joint health.

Cartalax and Kidney Health: Promising Findings

Early research involving polypeptide isolates from calf kidneys demonstrated the ability to stimulate cell renewal in older rat kidneys. These isolates were found to increase the proliferation marker Ki-67 while decreasing the pro-apoptotic peptide p53. Further analysis revealed the presence of Cartalax (AED) and T-35 (EDL) peptides in the isolates.

Studies conducted on renal (kidney) cell cultures have shown that Cartalax increases cell proliferation while reducing markers associated with aging, such as p16, p21, and p53 proteins. Additionally, Cartalax 20mg boosts the expression of SIRT-6, which is closely correlated with senescence. Low SIRT-6 levels are believed to trigger senescence processes.

Cartalax and Aging: Geroprotective Properties

Cartalax exhibits geroprotective properties, particularly in older cells, effectively resetting them to a more youthful state. Research on Cartalax and other bioregulators has indicated its influence on gene expression related to aging processes. Genes such as IGF1, FOXO1, TERT, TNKS2, and NF-kB are impacted in various ways by Cartalax and similar bioregulators, leading to significant changes in expression levels.

Cartalax Summary: A Multi-Beneficial Bioregulatory Peptide

In summary, Cartalax is a short bioregulatory peptide that exerts widespread systemic effects through its influence on fibroblasts. It has shown promise in improving skin health, kidney function, and potentially cartilage health. By increasing cell proliferation and modulating signaling molecules associated with aging, Cartalax contributes to enhanced tissue health and longevity, earning its reputation as an anti-aging peptide.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


The product information featured on this website pertains exclusively to in-vitro studies. In-vitro studies, also known as ‘in glass’ studies, are conducted outside of living organisms. It’s important to emphasize that these products do not constitute medicines or drugs and have not received FDA approval for the prevention, treatment, or cure of any medical conditions, ailments, or diseases. It is crucial to note that the introduction of these products into the bodies of humans or animals is strictly prohibited by law.