Peptides > BPC-157


A penta-decapeptide comprised of 15 amino acids, is derived from the body protection compound (BPC) initially discovered in human gastric juice. Through animal studies, it has demonstrated the capacity to expedite the healing process for various types of injuries, including those affecting muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Furthermore, BPC 157 exhibits protective properties for organs and contributes to the prevention of gastric ulcers. This peptide exerts systemic effects within the digestive tract, addressing issues like leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastrointestinal cramps, and Crohn’s disease. Additionally, BPC-157 possesses analgesic qualities and has been shown to enhance the healing of skin burns by promoting increased blood circulation in damaged tissues. Notably, it accelerates the formation of reticulin and collagen, fosters angiogenesis, and stimulates the infiltration of macrophages and fibroblasts, making it a promising therapeutic option for managing wound healing.

This PRODUCT IS INTENDED AS A RESEARCH CHEMICAL ONLY. This designation allows the use of research chemicals strictly for in vitro testing and laboratory experimentation only. All product information available on this website is for educational purposes only. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law. This product should only be handled by licensed, qualified professionals. This product is not a drug, food, or cosmetic and may not be misbranded, misused or mislabled as a drug, food or cosmetic.


1. Introduction to BPC-157?


2. BPC-157 Peptide Structure


3. BPC-157 Peptide Research


4. Research on BPC-157


Short for Body Protection Compound-157, is a derivative of body protection compound (BPC). BPC is a protein found naturally in the human digestive tract. It plays a significant role in protecting the lining of the gastrointestinal tract from damage, promoting healing, and encouraging blood vessel growth.

Synthetic BPC-157, a pentadecapeptide comprising 15 amino acids isolated from the much larger BPC protein, has been found to retain many of the healing properties of its parent molecule. In particular, BPC-157 has been shown to have effects on:

  • Wound healing
  • Blood vessel growth
  • The coagulation cascade
  • Nitric oxide generation
  • Immune system function
  • Gene expression
  • Hormone regulation (particularly in the gastrointestinal nervous system)


Sequence: Gly- Glu-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly-Lys-Pro-Ala-Asp-Asp-Ala-Gly-Leu-Val
Molecular Formula: C62H98N15O22
Molecular Weight: 1419.556 g/mol
PubChem CID: 108101


BPC-157 and Wound Healing

Naturally plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, safeguarding underlying tissues from the corrosive effects of gastric acid, bile, and other substances necessary for digesting and absorbing nutrients. A significant aspect of this function involves the recruitment of fibroblasts. BPC-157 has been observed to exert a dose-dependent influence on the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, both in culture and in vivo[1]. Fibroblasts hold a pivotal role in the wound healing process as they are responsible for depositing essential extracellular matrix proteins like collagen, fibrin, elastin, and others.

What’s even more intriguing is that Adipotide treatment and the ensuing fat loss didn’t solely affect physical transformation but also played a pivotal role in altering eating habits. Monkeys that shed weight through the use of Adipotide displayed a concurrent reduction in their food consumption, hinting at the intricate interplay between this revolutionary compound and an individual’s dietary choices.

Vascular Growth and Collateralization

Demonstrates remarkable angiogenic properties by significantly boosting the proliferation and development of endothelial cells, the cells lining blood vessels[1]–[3]. Rat studies have shown that this peptide notably accelerates the growth of collateral blood vessels in cases of ischemia[4]. While these effects have been predominantly observed in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, there is promising evidence indicating similar advantages in cardiovascular, neurological, and muscular tissues. This suggests that BPC-157 could serve as a therapeutic option for conditions like stroke and heart attack, while also offering insights into the mechanisms behind healing after ischemic injuries[5], [6].

Studies conducted with chicken embryos suggest that BPC-157’s promotion of vascular growth may, in part, occur through the stimulation of VEGFR2, a cell surface receptor that plays a vital role in the nitric oxide signaling pathway[4], [7], [8]. VEGFR2 is believed to be a key factor in the growth, proliferation, and longevity of endothelial cells.

Source: PubMed

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In cell culture experiments, BPC-157 has shown the ability to promote vascular “running.” This phenomenon involves the growth of blood vessels toward an injured area or around a vascular blockage to restore blood flow to distant tissues and safeguard cellular function[9]. This specific characteristic of BPC-157 holds the potential to pave the way for an effective oral treatment for slowly developing arterial obstructions, such as those seen in atherosclerotic heart disease. This research area has the potential to reduce the necessity for surgical procedures like stenting and coronary artery bypass grafting in the future.

BPC-157 and Tendon Healing

Positive effects in animal models of tendon, ligament, bone, and other connective tissue injuries are attributed to its roles in fibroblast recruitment and blood vessel growth. Tendon and ligament injuries are known for their slow healing due to limited blood supply in these tissues. This restricted blood flow hinders the arrival of fibroblasts and other cells crucial for wound healing, ultimately limiting the overall repair process. In both laboratory and animal studies involving rat tendons, BPC-157 has been found to enhance collateralization and increase fibroblast density when dealing with injuries to tendons, ligaments, and bones. These findings suggest that BPC-157 is more effective than hormones like bFGF, EFG, and VGF in promoting healing in these tissues[10].

Experiments utilizing FITC-phalloidin staining have revealed that BPC-157 strongly stimulates F-actin formation in fibroblasts[11]. F-actin is vital for cell structure and function, particularly in cell migration. Western blot analysis has indicated that BPC-157 elevates the phosphorylation levels of paxillin and FAK proteins, both of which play crucial roles in the cell migration pathway[12].

Antioxidant Properties

Studies conducted on rats have demonstrated that BPC-157 possesses the capability to counteract specific oxidative stress markers such as nitric oxide and malondialdehyde (MDA)[3]. This attribute renders BPC-157 a potent antioxidant, a quality that is reinforced by research revealing its ability to decrease the generation of reactive oxygen species within the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, research exploring the potential use of modified lactococcus lactis bacteria as a delivery method for BPC-157 in the gastrointestinal system has indicated a significant increase in peptide levels within cell culture[13].

BPC-157 and Drug Side Effects

In many cases, the primary obstacle to the long-term use of medical pharmaceuticals is the occurrence of side effects. For example, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen are limited in their long-term usage due to their propensity to elevate the risk of gastric bleeding and heart attacks. Finding a way to mitigate side effects while preserving the desired therapeutic effects is a significant goal in contemporary medical research, as it could enhance the therapeutic advantages of numerous drugs. BPC-157 has exhibited the ability to counteract the side effects associated with NSAIDs, medications used in psychiatric conditions, and several heart medications.

While it is expected that BPC-157 can alleviate many of the gastrointestinal side effects associated with certain drugs, it’s noteworthy that the peptide can also offer protection against side effects in various other organs, including the brain and heart. Studies in rats, for instance, have demonstrated that BPC-157 has the potential to shield against QTc prolongation in the heart, a condition that can lead to severe and even life-threatening arrhythmias. QTc prolongation is typically induced by medications used to treat diabetes, schizophrenia, and other psychiatric disorders. Additionally, BPC-157 has been found to prevent other adverse effects caused by psychiatric medications, including significant side effects such as catalepsy and somatosensory disturbances. This protective effect may pave the way for more effective treatment of psychiatric conditions, which are often challenging to manage due to patients discontinuing their medications due to severe side effects.

BPC-157 and Bees

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which entire colonies of honey bees experience rapid and devastating population declines. While the exact causes of CCD remain unclear, one contributing factor appears to be an infection in honey bee guts caused by the fungus Nosema ceranae. Researchers have conducted experiments where they supplemented the diet of honey bees with BPC-157. These studies have demonstrated a reduction in the damage caused by the fungus in the gastrointestinal tracts of honey bees and, as a result, an increase in hive survival rates. Importantly, these trials were conducted in natural field settings, marking a significant milestone as it provides a viable oral treatment to mitigate the impact of CCD on honey bee populations, which are crucial pollinators for many food crops.

Future Research

Currently the subject of active investigation in various cell culture and animal models. This peptide shows significant potential, not only as a therapeutic agent for enhancing wound healing and regulating vascular growth but also as a valuable tool for conducting research to gain a better understanding of these processes and their control mechanisms. Studies involving BPC-157 have the potential to provide valuable insights into angiogenesis, a process critical for wound healing and with widespread implications in growth, cancer development, and embryogenesis.

It’s worth noting that BPC-157 demonstrates minimal side effects, has moderate oral and excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. However, it’s important to emphasize that the dosage per kilogram in mice does not directly translate to humans. BPC-157 available for purchase at Peptide Sciences is intended solely for educational and scientific research purposes and is not intended for human consumption. Only licensed researchers should consider acquiring BPC-157 for their studies.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


The product information featured on this website pertains exclusively to in-vitro studies. In-vitro studies, also known as ‘in glass’ studies, are conducted outside of living organisms. It’s important to emphasize that these products do not constitute medicines or drugs and have not received FDA approval for the prevention, treatment, or cure of any medical conditions, ailments, or diseases. It is crucial to note that the introduction of these products into the bodies of humans or animals is strictly prohibited by law.