Peptides > Vilon (Bioregulator)

Vilon (Bioregulator)

Vilon is a potent bioregulator peptide known for its immunomodulatory properties and its potential as an anti-aging agent, supported by substantial research. Moreover, there is a considerable body of evidence suggesting that Vilon may contribute to the prevention and reduction of the risk of cancer development and progression. Intriguingly, research indicates that Vilon seems to offer more effective anti-aging effects when administered early in life at consistent, low doses. These findings hold promise for advancing anti-aging research and enhancing our understanding of the significant role that epigenetic regulation plays in longevity.

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1. What is Vilon?


2. Vilon Structure


3. Vilon and the Immune System

What is Vilon?

At just two amino acids in length, Vilon is the shortest peptide known to have biological activity. Research shows that Vilon has potent anti-aging effects and that it is a powerful regulator of immune function. There is also good evidence that Vilon helps to regulate the vascular system and promotes hemostasis. Vilon has been shown to reduce the incidence and growth of spontaneous tumors, though its role as an adjuvant in cancer treatment (as opposed to prevention) has been called into question. Overall, Vilon has several staunch advocates, such as Dr. Vladimir Anisimov, who feel that the peptide is a useful geroprotective agent.


Vilon Structure

Molecular Formula: C11H21N3O5
Molecular Weight: 257.30 g/mol
PubChem CID: 7010502
CAS No: 45234-02-4
Alternative Names: Lysylglutamate, normophthal, Lyslglutamic acid

Vilon and the Immune System

Vilon’s Role in Chromatin Structure Regulation

Vilon is known for its potent ability to regulate chromatin structure. Research indicates that it induces the unrolling of chromatin, activates synthetic processes by reactivating ribosomal genes within unrolled chromatin, and releases repressed genes. Importantly, Vilon does not cause decondensation of pericentromeric structural chromatin. These actions result in the reactivation of silenced genes, particularly those involved in cellular functions, and may counteract the age-related chromatin condensation that can limit cell and tissue function.

Enhancing Immune Function with Vilon

Vilon exhibits immune-modulating effects, particularly in lymphocytes and spleen cells. It activates interleukin-2 signaling, which plays a crucial role in coordinating the immune response and preventing autoimmune reactions. Additionally, Vilon promotes the proliferation of CD5 T-cells in the thymus, contributing to mature T-helper cells and cytotoxic CD8 T-cells. These immune-enhancing properties help boost the immune system’s activity while safeguarding against autoimmune responses.

Vilon’s Impact on Cancer

Vilon’s role in cancer prevention and treatment is noteworthy. Research has shown that it not only reduces the risk of cancer development but also inhibits tumor growth. These findings suggest that Vilon has the potential to serve as an effective chemotherapeutic agent and may complement existing cancer treatments. However, further research is needed to determine its compatibility with specific chemotherapy regimens.

Anti-Aging Effects of Vilon

Studies in mice reveal that subcutaneous administration of Vilon can increase physical activity, endurance, and overall lifespan. Importantly, Vilon’s anti-aging effects appear more pronounced when administered early in life. It may slow down cellular senescence, preserving healthy cells for more extended periods. Additionally, Vilon appears to improve GI function by enhancing enzyme activity, promoting barrier function, and aiding nutrient absorption in older rodents.

Vilon’s Impact on the Heart and Kidneys

Although less studied, Vilon’s effects on the cardiovascular system and kidneys show promise. Research suggests that Vilon can alter gene expression patterns in the heart, potentially improving cardiovascular function. In the kidneys, Vilon decreases the concentration of transforming growth factor-beta(1), leading to enhanced microvessel permeability. This effect contributes to improved hemostasis during kidney failure. Additionally, Vilon can optimize coagulation in elderly diabetic patients by increasing levels of natural anticoagulants.

In summary, Vilon is a versatile peptide with a range of health benefits. Its capacity to regulate chromatin structure, enhance immune function, combat cancer, and promote anti-aging effects underscores its potential as a valuable tool in various medical and research applications.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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