Peptides > Vesilute (Bioregulator)

Vesilute (Bioregulator)

Vesilute is a bioregulator peptide developed by Khavinson, and its research primarily focuses on its potential role in regulating the urinary tract and prostate gland. Scientific findings suggest that Vesilute could be beneficial in alleviating symptoms related to bladder and urinary tract issues. Moreover, Vesilute and other cytomedines have demonstrated the ability to mitigate prostate dysfunction, possibly by enhancing microcirculation within the prostate and reducing abnormal cell growth. This effect may be attributed to alterations in chromosome density and epigenetic factors, which is a common mechanism of cellular regulation seen in Khavinson peptides.

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1. What is Vesilute?


2. Vesilute Structure


3. Vesilute and Smooth Muscle Function

Vesilute Glu-Asp

Dipeptides can be either specific to certain organs or widely distributed throughout various tissues in the body. Vesilute falls into the latter category, being found throughout the body[1]. Although Vesilute is one of the less studied Khavinson peptides, it has shown potential effects on bladder and genitourinary system tissues. Research findings suggest that Vesilute may enhance bladder function, particularly in the elderly, assisting with conditions such as chronic cystitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and various urinary issues. Moreover, the peptide has notable organotropic effects in the prostate, aiding in the prevention of abnormal cell growth and prostate enlargement, possibly by improving microcirculation.

Vesilute and other cytomedines also appear to have positive effects on sperm quality and fertility. Research conducted in Russia indicates that the administration of cytomedines can lead to increased sperm production, improved sperm health, and higher viability, while also reducing the number of abnormal sperm. These effects collectively contribute to enhanced fertility[2].

Interestingly, the Glu-Asp peptide, along with twelve other dipeptides, has been identified as responsible for the umami flavor in various contexts[3]. Although not directly related to health and well-being, the fact that these peptides produce a desirable flavor suggests that their ingestion may be encouraged through evolutionary taste mechanisms. While this does not definitively establish their importance in fundamental biochemical processes, Vesilute and other cytomedines have been shown to be orally active[2].

Vesilute Structure

Amino Acid Sequence: Glu-Asp (ED)
Molecular Formula: C9H14N2O7
Molecular Weight:
 262.20 g/mol
PubChem CID: 99716
CAS Number: 3918-84-1
Synonyms: alpha-glutamylaspartic acid, SCHEMBL1674753, vesilut, ED dipeptide

Vesilute and Smooth Muscle Function

Vesilute, a Khavinson peptide, has demonstrated potential benefits in various aspects of health, particularly in the context of muscle function, blood vessels, prostate health, and fertility. Here are key points summarizing its effects:

  1. Muscle Relaxation: Vesilute is believed to have anti-aggregation effects on muscle tissues, particularly in the bladder wall. By interfering with the process of aggregation, it prevents the breakdown of glycogen, which is essential for muscle contraction. This action induces smooth muscle relaxation, providing relief from spasms and discomfort, particularly in the urinary tract.

  2. Vascular Health: Vesilute’s effects extend to the vascular system, where it promotes smooth muscle relaxation in blood vessels. This relaxation leads to lower blood pressure, reduced energy demands on the heart, and improved nutrient delivery to various organs. By supporting vascular health, Vesilute may contribute to long-term well-being, particularly in the heart, brain, and kidneys.

  3. Prostate Health: Vesilute’s microvascular effects are thought to be beneficial for the prostate gland. It helps improve circulation within the prostate, reducing inflammation, enhancing blood flow, and aiding in the removal of toxins. These effects can contribute to a reduction in prostate enlargement and fibrosis.

  4. Fertility: Research suggests that Vesilute, by addressing prostatitis and improving microcirculation within the prostate, can have a positive impact on fertility. It may lead to increased sperm levels and improved sperm viability without causing significant side effects.

  5. Cytomedine Peptide: Vesilute falls under the category of cytomedine peptides, which are considered peptide bioregulators that help prevent premature aging. Its ability to influence cellular processes, such as microcirculation and cell proliferation, may contribute to its various health benefits.

In summary, Vesilute appears to have a multifaceted role in promoting health and well-being, with potential applications in muscle relaxation, vascular health, prostate function, and fertility. While more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and clinical applications, Vesilute holds promise as a peptide with a range of positive effects on the body’s physiological functions.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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