Peptides > Semax


Semax, a synthetic analog of adrenocorticotrophic hormone, has garnered attention for its potential health benefits. Studies indicate that Semax may have a positive impact on immune function, neuron protection, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, it shows promise in pain management and blood clot regulation.

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1. Semax Overview


2. Semax Structure


3. Semax Research

Semax Overview

It is a synthetic analog of adrenocorticotrophic hormone, has garnered attention for its potential health benefits. Studies indicate that Semax may have a positive impact on immune function, neuron protection, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, it shows promise in pain management and blood clot regulation.

Semax Structure

Sequence: Ac-Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro
Molecular Formula: C39H54N10O10S
Molecular Weight: 854.99 g/mol
PubChem CID: 122178
CAS Number: 80714-61-0
Synonyms: Pro-Gly-Pro-ACTH

Semax Research

Semax and Its Influence on Resting Brain Structure Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have revealed that Semax has a notable impact on the default mode network[1]. The default mode network refers to specific brain regions that exhibit higher activity levels during periods of rest compared to active task performance. Although this network remains somewhat enigmatic, recent research suggests its potential involvement in social cognition and environmental monitoring. It essentially functions as a versatile system for observing our surroundings when we are not engaged in specific tasks. This makes it a critical component of attention, as it helps transition us from a “resting” state to a focused one, especially when dealing with events that involve social interactions. Diseases affecting cognition, such as Alzheimer’s disease, often disrupt the default mode network, further underscoring its role in social awareness[2].

It enhances the activity of the default mode network, increasing our overall alertness during rest. This heightened awareness extends to our environment, particularly our social surroundings, resulting in improved focus and attention. Essentially, Semax appears to enhance the brain’s fundamental environmental monitoring functions, facilitating a smoother transition from rest to a focused state.

It is worth noting that increased default mode network activity is generally associated with enhanced connectivity between different brain regions. This heightened interconnectivity is linked to improved problem-solving abilities, enhanced memory, and increased creativity. While there is no direct evidence supporting Semax’s impact on brain interconnectivity, it remains a possibility that the peptide may enhance interconnections, leading to overall improved brain function.

Semax in the Context of Stroke Semax is utilized in Russia to treat acute cerebral hypoxia, such as that occurring in stroke or traumatic brain injury. Research conducted in rats has shown that Semax stimulates various molecular mechanisms involved in gene transcription within the central nervous system (CNS). Specifically, Semax triggers changes in the expression of 24 different genes related to blood vessel function in the brain and spinal cord. These genes regulate processes like smooth muscle cell migration, red blood cell production, and the formation of new blood vessels. This may explain the observed neuroprotective properties of Semax in stroke cases. It seems that the peptide promotes neuronal survival, stabilizes mitochondria (critical for energy production), and enhances the delivery of nutrients to the brain.

Research in Russia involving stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation suggests that Semax accelerates the rate of functional recovery and results in higher overall functioning upon therapy completion. This effect is attributed to the elevation of plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels through early rehabilitation and Semax administration. BDNF is a natural brain peptide associated with learning and memory. Semax’s stimulation of BDNF might enhance neuroplasticity, making it easier for undamaged brain regions to learn tasks previously managed by damaged areas. Additionally, Semax activates the default mode network, which is crucial for resting attention and social function.

Semax and Gene Expression in the Brain Semax’s influence on gene expression in the brain is not limited to stroke cases. Research in healthy rats has demonstrated that a single intranasal Semax administration can affect several genes in both the hippocampus and frontal cortex within 20 minutes. The hippocampus plays a vital role in memory and learning, while the frontal cortex is responsible for concentration, planning, and information organization. Semax particularly impacts nerve growth factor (NGF) and BDNF. These findings suggest that Semax may have the potential to facilitate learning and information processing, potentially leading to improved cognition.

Semax and Cognitive Performance There is evidence suggesting that Semax can enhance learning and memory, especially in individuals with neurological impairments in these domains. Studies conducted in Canada, the United States, and China indicate that adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), the natural protein upon which Semax is based, protects learning and memory functions in mouse models of epilepsy. ACTH has been used to treat epileptic disorders to prevent developmental arrest or regression.

Semax, as a derivative of ACTH, may offer benefits beyond those of the natural peptide. Although more research is needed, it appears that even low doses of ACTH can prevent learning and memory dysfunction during seizures, suggesting potential nootropic properties for ACTH and Semax. Continuous and low-dose administration may not only counteract learning and memory deficits in disease but could also enhance cognitive performance.

Semax and Depression Studies in mice have shown that increasing BDNF levels can help regulate brain function in cases of depression. Conventional antidepressants, such as SSRIs, typically impact serotonin signaling in the brain, but their therapeutic effects may take several weeks to manifest. This delay has puzzled scientists for years, as the effects should theoretically be more immediate. Insights from BDNF-stimulating proteins like Semax suggest that SSRIs may take time to work because their therapeutic effect is linked to their ability to boost BDNF levels and promote neurogenesis in the depressed brain. Combining BDNF stimulators like Semax with SSRIs might significantly improve efficacy in treating depression. Further research is needed to confirm and expand on these findings.

Semax is associated with minimal side effects, excellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice, and low oral bioavailability. Dosages per kilogram in mice do not directly translate to human dosages. Semax is available for research purposes only and should not be consumed by humans without the appropriate research licensing. If you wish to purchase Semax, ensure that you are a licensed researcher.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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