Peptides >Selank


Selank, a synthetic derivative of tuftsin, offers remarkable anti-anxiety capabilities. This compound not only alleviates anxiety but also enhances memory and learning abilities, while also demonstrating positive impacts on pain perception.

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1. Selank Overview


2. Selank Structure


3. Selank Research

Selank Overview

Selank, originally formulated in Russia, is a brief peptide renowned for its nootropic and anxiolytic attributes. It serves as a synthetic counterpart to the naturally existing Tuftsin, an immunomodulatory peptide influencing IL-6, T helper cells, monoamine neurotransmitters, and brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). Notably, Selank and Tuftsin share similar structures, with Selank incorporating four extra amino acids in its composition, enhancing its metabolic stability and prolonging its half-life.

Clinical trials have explored the potential of Selank as a treatment option for generalized anxiety disorder.

Selank Structure


Molecular Formula: C152H252N44O42

Molecular Weight: 2611.41 grams per mole

Selank Research

Selank’s impact on anxiety, as related to genes associated with the GABA neurotransmitter, has been a subject of interest. Dr. Anastasiya Volkova, from the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Russia, has conducted studies revealing that TP7 exhibits robust antianxiety and neuroprotective properties in anxiety treatment. Its clinical effects closely resemble those of conventional antianxiety medications like benzodiazepines, which act as allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors, intensifying the inhibitory effects of GABA. Selank’s benefits encompass anxiety reduction, mood enhancement, stress reduction, and positive influences on memory and learning. Interestingly, similar to benzodiazepines, TP7, when administered in low doses, can induce a calming effect. Importantly, unlike benzodiazepines, TP7 does not seem to promote dependency or trigger withdrawal symptoms or memory lapses.

Research conducted on rats indicates that Selank has a notable impact on genes connected to GABA signaling. Out of the 84 genes associated with GABA signaling in some manner, seven undergo substantial modulation when exposed to Selank, while 45 exhibit altered expression levels in response to the peptide. In total, TP7 affects 52 genes related to GABA signaling to varying degrees. These findings suggest that Selank has the capacity to directly influence gene expression within nerve cells, most likely by altering the affinity of GABA receptors for GABA. This change in receptor affinity provides insight into why Selank demonstrates synergy with benzodiazepines and other GABA receptor agonists.

Selank’s Impact on Anxiety and Its Combination with Benzodiazepines Research conducted on rats suggests that Selank and benzodiazepines have similar effects on anxiety, especially in cases of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Selank may offer a slight advantage over benzodiazepines in reducing elevated anxiety levels. However, a combination of both treatments appears to be the most effective approach for treating unpredictable chronic mild stress.

Selank’s Influence on GABA Receptors and Enkephalin Degradation Selank’s effects on GABA receptors may be partially modulated by its impact on enkephalin degradation. Individuals with anxiety and phobic disorders often exhibit increased enkephalinase activity during generalized anxiety, leading to shorter half-lives of enkephalins. Selank, by inhibiting enkephalinase, may help reset this enzymatic pathway, protecting the body’s natural anxiolytic peptides. Research in anxiety-prone mice suggests that Selank’s effects are, in part, due to its ability to prevent enkephalin degradation.

Selank and Its Role in the Immune System for Anxiety Studies in patients with depression indicate that Selank can suppress the gene responsible for producing the inflammatory cytokine IL-6, particularly in individuals with depression-related anxiety-asthenic disorders. Unlike standard anxiolytic treatments like benzodiazepines, Selank has shown the potential to alleviate asthenic symptoms such as fatigue and pain. Selank’s impact on the immune system is complex, with regulation of multiple genes involved in the inflammatory process.

Selank’s Influence on Memory and Learning There is a well-established link between anxiety and cognitive function, where increased anxiety often leads to decreased memory and learning abilities. Selank not only mitigates the negative impact of anxiety on cognition but also appears to enhance cognitive function directly. Research in rats indicates that Selank improves memory trace stability, benefiting memory storage independently of anxiety levels. Selank may achieve this by affecting gene expression in the hippocampus, potentially altering neuronal function to facilitate memory formation and retrieval.

Selank’s Role in Pain Management Selank may reduce the degradation of natural enkephalins by inhibiting enzymes that break them down in human blood. Enkephalins are natural peptides that bind to opioid receptors, helping to alleviate pain and stress responses. By reducing enkephalin levels in the brain, Selank may mitigate the normal stress response and its effects on memory, learning, and concentration. It’s worth noting that Selank is associated with minimal side effects and excellent bioavailability in mice, though dosages in mice do not directly translate to humans. Selank is available for research purposes only and should not be consumed by humans without appropriate licensing.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


The product information featured on this website pertains exclusively to in-vitro studies. In-vitro studies, also known as ‘in glass’ studies, are conducted outside of living organisms. It’s important to emphasize that these products do not constitute medicines or drugs and have not received FDA approval for the prevention, treatment, or cure of any medical conditions, ailments, or diseases. It is crucial to note that the introduction of these products into the bodies of humans or animals is strictly prohibited by law.