Peptides > Pancragen (Bioregulator)

Pancragen (Bioregulator)

Pancragen, a naturally-occurring tetrapeptide bioregulator, primarily targets the pancreas with a range of beneficial effects. Studies on Pancragen have demonstrated its ability to effectively manage blood sugar levels, enhance pancreatic endocrine function, modulate melatonin production, and mitigate the occurrence and severity of metabolic syndrome. This peptide has garnered considerable attention in research for its potential in addressing both diabetes and age-related metabolic changes. In essence, Pancragen can be considered a peptide with anti-aging properties specifically tailored for the pancreas.

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1. What is Pancragen?


2. Pancragen Structure


3. Pancragen and Aging


Pancragen is a naturally occurring tetrapeptide bioregulator that primarily targets the pancreas. It should not be confused with the DNA-based PancraGEN test. Research on Pancragen has demonstrated its potential to effectively regulate blood sugar levels, enhance the endocrine function of the pancreas, control melatonin expression, and mitigate the occurrence and severity of metabolic syndrome. This peptide has garnered attention and is being explored for its potential in managing both diabetes and the age-related metabolic effects. In essence, Pancragen can be considered as an anti-aging peptide for the pancreas.

Pancragen Structure

Amino Acid Sequence: Lys-Glu-Asp-Trp (KEDW)
Molecular Formula: C26H36N6O9
Molecular Weight:
 576.25 g/mol
PubChem CID: 68452887
Synonyms: SCHEMBL5491754

Pancragen and Aging

Pancragen: A Catalyst for Cellular Youthfulness Research on pancreatic cells has unveiled Pancragen’s ability to stimulate the expression of various differentiation factors that control the growth of acinar and islet of Langerhans cells, particularly those responsible for insulin and glucagon production[^1^]. While this may not immediately appear as an anti-aging effect, it’s crucial to recognize that enhancing growth and differentiation is a hallmark of youthful, healthy tissues. Improving these parameters, especially in older tissues, fundamentally contributes to anti-aging effects. As we delve into other facets of Pancragen, further reasons for categorizing it as an anti-aging peptide will become evident. Notably, its capacity to alter epigenetic DNA regulation to enhance gene expression stands out as a clear indicator that Pancragen can rejuvenate DNA and promote a more youthful function.

Pancragen’s Role in Combating Metabolic Disorders Additional evidence supporting Pancragen’s status as an anti-aging peptide stems from its impact on metabolic disorders. Research has indicated that metabolic dysregulation in older individuals can be attributed, in part, to changes in melatonin secretion during sleep. This melatonin deficiency appears to be linked to alterations in insulin levels, suggesting that both disease-related and age-related declines in insulin function may contribute to changes in melatonin secretion. These changes in melatonin secretion, in turn, may underlie some of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome[^2^].

Given this line of reasoning, it follows that Pancragen administration, which helps normalize insulin secretion, could potentially alleviate metabolic syndrome symptoms by restoring melatonin secretion to normal levels. Indeed, research supports this notion. Pancragen administration not only lowers glucose levels but also reduces plasma insulin concentrations and the insulin resistance index, suggesting a direct impact on melatonin signaling[^2^].

Both exogenous and endogenous melatonin have been found to inhibit the pathophysiological mechanisms of metabolic syndrome and restore normal metabolism[^3^]. Studies have also revealed the existence of melatonin receptors in the pancreas, where they modulate insulin and glucagon signaling in a diurnal manner, sensitive to daylight[^4^]. Recent research has emphasized the connection between disruptions in melatonin signaling and the development of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Considering that melatonin likely affects the pancreas, it stands to reason that there exists a feedback mechanism through which glucagon and insulin signal the pineal gland to regulate melatonin release. Indeed, such a feedback loop exists and plays a role in type 2 diabetes, contributing to additional metabolic effects not as common in type 1 diabetes. This explains why Pancragen’s ability to regulate insulin secretion in the pancreas also yields beneficial effects on other metabolic syndrome symptoms[^2^].

Pancragen’s Potential in Diabetes Management An evident and crucial application of Pancragen lies in the treatment of diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, and elevated blood glucose levels. Research comparing Pancragen to glimepiride, a commonly used blood sugar-lowering medication, in rhesus monkeys has revealed that both compounds can reduce blood sugar levels to normal ranges. However, Pancragen uniquely normalizes insulin and C-peptide levels, suggesting a more physiologically impactful intervention[^5^][^6^]. This indicates that Pancragen addresses the root causes of elevated blood sugar and corrects the issue at a more fundamental level.

Studies in aging monkeys have demonstrated that Pancragen can normalize plasma insulin, C-peptide, and glucose levels within 10 days, with some effects lasting up to 3 weeks[^7^][^8^]. This suggests that Pancragen may hold promise in restoring pancreatic function in elderly individuals or maintaining it as they age. Such an intervention could help normalize the metabolic system, potentially reducing the impact of conditions ranging from osteoporosis to dementia.

Further research conducted in cell cultures has shown that Pancragen enhances the expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP2 and MMP9, serotonin, glycoprotein CD79alpha, and the anti-apoptotic protein MCl1. Simultaneously, it reduces levels of the pro-apoptotic protein p53. Additionally, Pancragen increases the presence of proliferation markers PCNA and Ki67. These findings, as highlighted by Vasili Ashapkin, suggest that Pancragen activates the expression of signaling molecules associated with increased differentiation and functionality of pancreatic islet cells[^9^][^10^]. These multifaceted effects point toward Pancragen’s involvement at a fundamental level within DNA, altering the expression of multiple genes.

Pancragen’s Influence on the Vascular System Diabetes poses a significant threat to the function of small blood vessels, known as capillaries. Elevated glucose levels lead to the initial leakage and subsequent demise of these capillaries, as the endothelial cells comprising them become dysfunctional and eventually perish. Many long-term consequences of diabetes, such as heart disease, kidney disease, erectile dysfunction, and limb loss, result from capillary damage and loss.

Research on Pancragen has indicated its ability to normalize the adhesion of mesenteric capillary endothelium[^11^]. These findings suggest that Pancragen may safeguard the endothelium from some of the detrimental effects of diabetes, potentially mitigating the long-term consequences of the disease.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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