Peptides > Hexarelin


Hexarelin is a synthetic analogue of ghrelin that shows benefit in heart disease and cardiac ischemia, protecting the heart following heart attack. Research has shown that Hexarelin also protects skeletal muscle against wasting and improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

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1. What is Hexarelin?


2. Hexarelin Structure


3. Hexarelin Effects


4. Hexarelin Heavily Researched

What is Hexarelin?

Hexarelin, also known as Examorelin, is a synthetic analogue of ghrelin and bears a close relationship to GHRP-6. Notably, hexarelin and GHRP-6 have minimal differences, primarily due to the addition of two methyl groups to GHRP-6. Hexarelin, like several other ghrelin analogues, demonstrates oral and sublingual activity and is highly selective in its actions. It has been the subject of extensive research, particularly in terms of its impact on heart cell survival following ischemia and nutrient deprivation. 

Hexarelin Structure

Sequence: His-D-Trp(2-Me)-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys
Molecular Formula: C47H58N12O6
Molecular Weight: 887.059 g/mol
PubChem CID:6918297
CAS Number: 140703-51-1

Hexarelin Effects

Hexarelin is a peptide that has shown potential benefits for heart health based on several studies in animals. Here are key points related to hexarelin’s potential cardioprotective effects:

  1. Protection Against Heart Injury: Hexarelin has been found to directly affect the heart by binding to specific receptors, including the CD36 receptor and the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR). Studies in mice have suggested that hexarelin can protect heart cells from injury, particularly in the context of a heart attack. By binding to these receptors, hexarelin may prevent heart cells from undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis). In these studies, mice treated with hexarelin showed improved heart function, increased survival of heart cells, and reduced production of malondialdehyde, a marker of heart cell death.

  2. Comparison to Other Peptides: Interestingly, some studies have indicated that GHRP-6, another growth hormone-releasing peptide, may be slightly more effective than ghrelin in protecting the heart from injury.

  3. Reduction of Oxidative Stress: In experiments with rats suffering from heart failure, GHRP-6 has demonstrated the ability to reduce oxidative stress in the heart and prevent myocardial remodeling, a pathological process associated with declining heart function and serious health issues. GHRP-6-treated rats in this study experienced significant improvements in heart function. This effect may be mediated through the up-regulation of phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) activity and the down-regulation of protein kinase B expression. PTEN plays a role in cell regeneration, while protein kinase B regulates cell survival.

  4. Cardiac Remodeling and Autonomic Balance: GHRP-6 appears to be effective in reducing cardiac remodeling, which can occur after heart injury. It helps shift the balance of the autonomic nervous system away from sympathetic stimulation (associated with higher heart rate and blood pressure) toward parasympathetic dominance. This shift not only improves short-term health outcomes but also reduces the long-term need for medication and may prevent cardiac remodeling secondary to increased stress on the heart. Rats treated with GHRP-6 following a heart attack showed significant reductions in the size of the scar left behind.

Because the mechanism by which hexarelin protects heart cells is not specific to the mechanism of damage in heart attack, researchers speculated that the peptide could be used to protect the heart from other insults as well. Research, again in rats, found that hexarelin improved cardiac function in a model of diabetes by changing the way calcium and potassium are processed by heart muscle cells[6]–[8].

Hexarelin, specifically GHRP-6, has shown potential benefits related to improving fat measures and protecting muscle, particularly in animal studies. Here are key points regarding these effects:

  1. Improvement in Fat Measures: Dyslipidemia refers to an abnormal amount of fat in the blood and is considered an independent risk factor for the development of diabetes. Research conducted in rats suggests that GHRP-6 may have the capacity to correct dyslipidemia, particularly in the context of insulin resistance, which is an early step in the development of diabetes. GHRP-6 has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. This effect on lipid profiles may offer an alternative to traditional lipid-lowering medications for individuals with severe dyslipidemia.

  2. Protection of Muscle: Hexarelin, specifically GHRP-6, has demonstrated the ability to protect muscle tissues. Studies conducted in rat models of cachexia, which is characterized by extreme weight loss due to illness or chemotherapy, have shown that GHRP-6 can protect muscle cells by regulating calcium flow and mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction.

    • Mitochondrial Protection: Mitochondria are the cellular structures responsible for generating energy. Proper mitochondrial function is crucial for cell survival and overall health. Research indicates that GHRP-6 helps maintain mitochondrial function, which can be disrupted during conditions like cachexia and chemotherapy. This protective effect on mitochondria helps cells continue to produce the energy needed for normal functioning.

    • Calcium Regulation: Chemotherapy treatments can disrupt calcium regulation in muscle cells, leading to muscle wasting. GHRP-6 has been shown in rat studies to offset these alterations in calcium regulation induced by chemotherapy. This suggests that GHRP-6 may help preserve muscle mass and prevent muscle loss in individuals undergoing chemotherapy or experiencing conditions like cachexia.

Hexarelin Heavily Researched

Research into peptides like hexarelin has provided valuable insights into the complex processes underlying heart disease, heart failure, and related cardiovascular conditions. These studies have not only improved our understanding of cardiac function but have also opened up new avenues for potential treatments, particularly in addressing challenges such as cardiac remodeling.

It’s important to note that while these findings are promising in animal studies, the use of hexarelin or similar peptides in humans is still a subject of ongoing research and development. The safety and efficacy of these peptides in human applications need further investigation before they can be considered for clinical use.

Researchers and scientists are actively working to explore the therapeutic potential of peptides like hexarelin in the context of heart disease, with the ultimate goal of developing new treatments that can improve heart health and reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases, which remain a leading cause of death in developed nations.

As mentioned, hexarelin for sale at Peptide Sciences is intended for educational and scientific research purposes only and should not be used for human consumption. It is essential for individuals to adhere to ethical and regulatory guidelines when working with peptides in research settings.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


The product information featured on this website pertains exclusively to in-vitro studies. In-vitro studies, also known as ‘in glass’ studies, are conducted outside of living organisms. It’s important to emphasize that these products do not constitute medicines or drugs and have not received FDA approval for the prevention, treatment, or cure of any medical conditions, ailments, or diseases. It is crucial to note that the introduction of these products into the bodies of humans or animals is strictly prohibited by law.