Peptides > Bronchogen

Bronchogen (Bioregulator)

Bronchogen is a bioregulatory peptide known for its targeted effects on lung tissues. Studies conducted in rat models have demonstrated that Bronchogen has the ability to alleviate inflammation and restore lung health by influencing various DNA transcription pathways. In the lungs, Bronchogen enhances the epithelium, boosts surfactant production, and mitigates inflammation. Ongoing research is exploring the potential benefits of Bronchogen not only in managing lung diseases but also in addressing age-related changes. It appears that Bronchogen possesses geroprotective properties, capable of reversing age-related declines in lung function by reactivating senescent DNA. Furthermore, this peptide may offer insights into the mechanisms protecting against lung cancer development.

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1. Introduction


2. Structure


3. How Does Bronchogen Work?


Bronchogen, abbreviated as Ala-Glu-Asp-Leu, is a remarkably short peptide composed of just four amino acids[1]. Scientific research has revealed its role as a bioregulator, particularly within lung tissues, where it stimulates the growth, proliferation, and differentiation of specific cell lines[2]. Notably, Bronchogen is associated with elevating levels of specific DNA transcription factors and reversing age-related declines in DNA transcription[3]. This peptide has been explored for its potential in treating certain lung conditions, its capacity as a growth factor for plants, and its role as an anti-aging geroprotective agent. Similar to many other bioregulators, Bronchogen appears to play a vital role in regulating the inflammatory response.



Amino Acid Sequence: Ala-Glu-Asp-Leu (AEDL)
Chemical Formula: C18H30N4O9
Molecular Mass: 446.45 g/mol

Bronchogen as a DNA Stabilizer

DNA Stability and Bronchogen 

Recent research employing microcalorimeter measurements has demonstrated that DNA exhibits a higher melting point in the presence of Bronchogen, a peptide composed of just four amino acids[1]. While this may initially appear to be a technical detail with limited application, it holds broader significance. Studies examining DNA stability have revealed that increased DNA stability corresponds to reduced degradation over time and diminished activation of telomerase, an enzyme associated with telomere protection and cell senescence prevention[4]. Microcalorimeter measurements serve as a valuable indicator of DNA stability in real-world conditions.

The Complex Role of Telomerase Activation 

Interestingly, the role of telomerase activation is not straightforward. While it guards against telomere shortening and cellular senescence, heightened telomerase activity has been linked to an elevated cancer risk. This is because DNA damage can trigger telomerase activity, and this, in turn, may hinder the body’s ability to eliminate cells with aberrant DNA. Moreover, elevated telomerase activity is indicative of rapid cell turnover, which is associated with accelerated aging. Striking a balance between telomerase activity and DNA health is crucial. In an ideal scenario, telomerase activation would be infrequent due to sustained DNA health, reducing cell senescence and preserving tissue regeneration potential from stem cells.

Bronchogen’s Contribution to DNA Stabilization 

Bronchogen contributes to DNA stabilization, minimizing DNA damage accumulation over time and reducing cell turnover rates. These effects decrease the demand for telomerase activity and, more importantly, promote long-term DNA health. Consequently, this prevents unhealthy DNA in cells from transitioning into a senescent state or undergoing apoptosis. The result is a decrease in senescence and enhanced overall tissue health, as cells maintain their well-being for extended periods and safeguard the limited regenerative capacity of human tissue.

Stimulation of Repair Processes 

Additionally, research in rat models has shown that Bronchogen and similar peptides possess the ability to stimulate repair processes, even at low concentrations[2]. This stimulation is believed to be mediated through the increased expression of CXCL12 and Hoxa factors, which are transcription factors governing growth and differentiation cascades. Interestingly, these effects are more pronounced in older cell lines compared to younger ones[3]. The older the cells, the greater the benefits they seem to derive from Bronchogen administration, leading to increased cell growth and differentiation, ultimately contributing to improved tissue health and function.

Tissue-Specific Effects of Bronchogen 

Dr. Vladimir Khavinson of the Russian Academy of Sciences suggests that these effects are tissue-specific, with Bronchogen primarily impacting lung tissue in animals and exhibiting relatively few off-target effects in other tissues. This implies the presence of mechanisms within cells that regulate the specificity of short, membrane-penetrating peptides.

Bronchogen in Lung Health 

In the context of lung health, Bronchogen primarily exerts its effects on growth and differentiation, particularly within lung tissue. Research in rats demonstrates the significant effectiveness of Bronchogen in addressing lung conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. Bronchogen helps prevent and alleviate the remodeling processes associated with these diseases, mitigating the abnormal immune response that leads to hyperplasia, dysplasia, and the loss of ciliated cells. Furthermore, it appears to reduce the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby diminishing lung inflammation and preventing scarring and fibrosis[5].

Restoration of Lung Epithelium 

Most importantly, research in rats reveals that Bronchogen can restore lung epithelium following the induction of COPD and other inflammatory diseases. This restoration results in increased surfactant production and reduced alveolar surface tension[6]. In essence, Bronchogen directly targets the root cause of disease progression in the lungs, rather than merely alleviating symptoms. By enhancing surfactant production, Bronchogen enhances the lungs’ capacity to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Additionally, by restoring epithelial cells, such as ciliated cells, Bronchogen aids in efficient surfactant distribution and the removal of debris and toxins from the lungs.


Plant Hormone

One relatively unusual aspect of Bronchogen is that it appears to have activity in plants at a very low concentration. Research shows that Bronchogen, along with Epitalon, increases growth and regeneration in plant tissue by activating several regulatory pathways including the CLE pathway, KNOX1 transcription factors, and GRFs (growth regulatory factors) that bind to DNA and regulate transcription[7]. This work, while interesting to botanists, also underscores the function of Bronchogen as a DNA regulatory factor controlling growth, proliferation, and differentiation.


Bronchogen is a specialized peptide that exerts tissue-specific effects primarily within the lungs. Studies in rat models have demonstrated that Bronchogen has the capability to diminish inflammation and restore healthy lung tissue states by influencing various DNA transcription pathways. The overall impact of Bronchogen on lung function includes the enhancement of epithelial tissue, heightened surfactant production, and a reduction in inflammation. Ongoing investigations are exploring the potential advantages of Bronchogen not only in addressing lung-related diseases but also in the context of aging. There is emerging evidence suggesting that Bronchogen exhibits geroprotective properties, capable of reversing age-related declines in lung function by reactivating senescent DNA. Furthermore, this peptide may hold promise in contributing to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms that guard against the development of lung cancer.

Article Author

The above literature was researched, edited and organized by Dr. Logan, M.D. Dr. Logan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. in molecular biology.


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